Sunday, February 28, 2021

Pluto-Saturn-Jupiter Triple Conjunction

 Scouring the web, I found a few references to the latest Pluto-Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn (before the one in 2020) - around 1894 BCE, it turns out. Babylon was founded around this time, and  Hammurabi's Code of Laws were established less than a century afterwards. I don't know how significant this is (some redditer thought it was very telling) - I for one do not know enough about that time period to draw any conclusions. But what interests me is the fact that, while there has been a lot of buzz about the conjunctions between Saturn-Pluto and Saturn-Jupiter, the fact of this triple-conjunction between all three seems to merit at least as much attention if not more. There appear to have been no such triple-conjunctions at least for the last 500 years, even if we count with an orb of 10 degrees. Could the one in 1894 BCE in fact have been the last one (I couldn't be bothered to check all four millenia)? Whether it is 1000 years or nearly 4000 years since the last one, it should surely count as significant: one might say that we are entering into a new Pluto-Saturn-Jupiter cycle with Capricorn as its seal.

Capricorn and its ruler Saturn have never been very popular; in the Middle Ages, they were associated with malefic influences, with materialism and with Satan. Today, it is "The Patriarchy" (insert your own definition here) and all kinds of oppression. But on the flip side of the Capricornian archetype, we find entirely different qualities:

  • Taking responsibility for your own actions rather than looking for scapegoats
  • Maturity, as opposed to whining about all the wrongs that have been committed against you
  • Integrity and accountability; becoming whole (integral) through the acceptance of and identification with external roles (gender roles, professional roles etc.)
  • Justice and fairness, as opposed to corruption and nepotism
  • Structure and order, as opposed to lawlessness and chaos
And yes, we also find in this archetype the "good patriarch", true phallic leadership that is guided by practical vision. Now here is my question:

If a new Pluto-Saturn-Jupiter cycle has just begun, that must mean that another one has ended. And in a sense it does seem that, before the conjunction, the old guard of the old patriarchy reared its ugly head one final time before subsiding into the ocean. But what about the "new patriarchy" (or whatever you want to call it) that is symbolized by the new phase between these planets? What will it bring? 

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