Saturday, July 14, 2018

Regarding the author

While this blog is not intended to focus greatly on me and myself, I suppose it would be rude not to give my readers at least a brief personal introduction.

I am a man in my early thirties, resident in Konungariket Sverige (the Kingdom of Sweden, as it is formally known) in northern Europe. My life’s journey so far has contained a number of sharp twists and turns not least in the area of philosophy and spirituality – in my general outlook on life, to put it simply. Thus have I in one way or another been involved in all of the four great world religions (not including Judaism due to its small size) as well as various strands of New Age spirituality and occultism. Politically I have made a journey from the far left, somewhat to the right, though I would not go farther than to consider myself a simple Conservative, or – in some interpretations – a Classical Liberal. I have also travelled quite a bit in my life, not least in India, where I remained for over half a year – an experience that changed my worldview fundamentally. I am now looking forward to a more settled life in the future, geographically as well as mentally, until Fate decides otherwise.

For clarification, the four “great” world religions I refer to are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. These religions also have their branches, and I am not equally well-versed in all their various traditions, but I believe I have at least a sense of all the larger branches as well. Education-wise I do not have more than a bachelor’s degree in History of Religions, so you might say that I am little more than an amateur. My claim, then, is simply that I have a sense of “spiritual empathy” that has given be a deeper understanding of some religious currents than quite a few professors. This is not intended as a brag. But it is a way of saying that I do believe I have something to contribute. Dear reader, hopefully you will be able to judge for yourself in due time whether this is so.

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