10 is a number of completion. In astrology, 10 is related to Saturn and the sign of Capricorn. The tenth house begins in the Midheaven, where the planets reach their highest point in the sky. From the number 9, associated with Sagittarius and Jupiter - developing a philosophy of life - we arrive at the 10, and the individual is now ready to make public his findings in the 9th house. Here he advances his peculiar religion, philosophy or way of life, not through further speculation but through action and production, making ideas manifest physically in the world of form. It is now that he reaches his full growth here, the high point of maturity, and it is no wonder that many esoteric models end here, going back again from the 10 to the 1.
While we should probably be cautious mixing various esoteric models with one another, such as the Tarot and the Zodiac, I do believe there is a similarity between the numbers 10 in both systems, at least in this regard. Which is why the Zodiac is more intriguing in that it does not say simply: from the 10 all the way back to the 1, and let a new cycle begin - rather, from the perfected structure of 10, Capricorn, Saturn, we move one (eventually two) more step and enter into the number 11, Uranus, Aquarius. What Aquarius does is to reject the fullness of the Capricornian structure, and say: it is now that the real fun begins! By moving beyond the 10, we enter into a dynamic, unstable state of free creativity and boundless potential. It is now that the wildest dreams can come true, not through individual ego-creativity as in Leo (number 5), but through high-minded cooperation of like-minded, visionary companions. "Calling all souls!" Aquarius says, and his friends are simply those who heed the call: who they are and where they come from does not matter, as long as they are headed in the same direction as he.
There are yet many esoteric models organized around the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 12; but is there anyone orbiting the number 11? There is but one I can think of at the moment - more on this later.
While we should probably be cautious mixing various esoteric models with one another, such as the Tarot and the Zodiac, I do believe there is a similarity between the numbers 10 in both systems, at least in this regard. Which is why the Zodiac is more intriguing in that it does not say simply: from the 10 all the way back to the 1, and let a new cycle begin - rather, from the perfected structure of 10, Capricorn, Saturn, we move one (eventually two) more step and enter into the number 11, Uranus, Aquarius. What Aquarius does is to reject the fullness of the Capricornian structure, and say: it is now that the real fun begins! By moving beyond the 10, we enter into a dynamic, unstable state of free creativity and boundless potential. It is now that the wildest dreams can come true, not through individual ego-creativity as in Leo (number 5), but through high-minded cooperation of like-minded, visionary companions. "Calling all souls!" Aquarius says, and his friends are simply those who heed the call: who they are and where they come from does not matter, as long as they are headed in the same direction as he.
There are yet many esoteric models organized around the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 12; but is there anyone orbiting the number 11? There is but one I can think of at the moment - more on this later.
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